Let Me SPELL It Out For You

Another day, another ignorant person who has put on blinders to the world.

Behind closed doors, so many hide. Let them break the doors down.

Can’t let people in, they won’t understand…

Days I feel alive, days I know it is okay to be me.

Every guy that has come and gone, all the ones that didn’t leave a mark on this heart.

First smile, first hug, first kiss…the first time truly in love.

Gay, a sexuality NOT a definition.

Heightened sense of awareness, as I don’t know who to trust.

In time, all of us will be liberated from the social prison we have been placed in.

Jokes, Laughs and Memories…thats what real friends are for.

Kids that have no voice, who are lost and confused. Let us light the way for them.

LIVE. Be here, Be alive, Be Free.

Man, regardless of sexuality, a species to be embraced.

Never staying down, staying quiet, staying oppressed.

Over the rainbow, for it DOES get better.

People who care, who love and who want to learn. They are the future.

Quality of life for every person and their partner.

Roads that will take us into places of hatred, roads that will lead hatred out.

SEX is a part of life, not something to be totalized for.

Time is limited. It should NOT be spent in a state of depression due to intolerance.

Until marriage comes for ALL, we are separate and unequal, second class citizens.

Voices that don’t speak, unless behind closed doors. Let your voice be heard.

Weak, something we are not, something we will never become.

Xanthic days bring hope to those who are so often in the dark.

You matter, don’t ever let anyone tell you any different.

Zip up your coat, head out the door and make a difference, for if you do not can you be sure that others will.

One thought on “Let Me SPELL It Out For You

  1. Beautifully quoted. Your Alphabet remind’s me of Emma Watson’s speech. “If not me, who? If not now, When?”.
    The LGBTQ community should be more accepted in this community and they respected without any don’t. They are human and all human must be loved.

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