Tagged with same sex

Let Me SPELL It Out For You

Another day, another ignorant person who has put on blinders to the world. Behind closed doors, so many hide. Let them break the doors down. Can’t let people in, they won’t understand… Days I feel alive, days I know it is okay to be me. Every guy that has come and gone, all the ones … Continue reading

Gay Marriage and the RED Equal Sign

So, as we all know, the Supreme Court has begun hearings on two historic federal cases, Hollingsworth v. Perry which is challenging California’s Proposition 8, and Windsor v. United States that will challenge DOMA (the Defense of Marriage Act) – both of which are major steps in the journey towards marriage equality. Obviously the LGBT crowd is in full … Continue reading

5 Gay Power Couples in Hollywood

So, In a digression from my normal social and political posts, I wanted to highlight a few gay couples in Hollywood that are out proud and successful. Some are just dating, others have ‘married’ and some even have children. All in all, they are happy and a role model for other gay couples the world … Continue reading